10 Friendly Foods for A Healthy Gut

A healthy gut is a sure short way of avoiding health issues and keeping diseases at bay. Not just that, researchers have proven time and again that a healthy gut is a hidden secret to weight loss.

The gut is home to more than a million microorganisms and contains more than ten times bacteria than all human cells in the entire body. A healthy gut results in normal gastrointestinal function, regulates metabolism and provides protection from infection. It also comprises more than 75 per cent of our immune system. The best way to ensure that your stomach stays clean and free from harmful bacteria is to eat healthy. Read on for our top 10 food for a healthy gut.

Yoghurt offers a string of health benefits, including being very healthy for the stomach. Recently, the “probiotics” aspect of Yoghurt has been the focus of many health studies. Probiotics are good bacteria that are present in the digestive system naturally. Yoghurt contains live strains of these “friendly bacteria.” Recent studies have proven that probiotics promote a stronger immune system and also a healthy digestive track. This dairy product is also known to contain active cultures that help fight many gastrointestinal conditions like lactose intolerance, constipation, diarrhoea, colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.

Many people are under the misconception that eating bananas leads to constipation. While this may be true if you consume a dozen bananas in one sitting, one banana a day is as effective as an apple a day keeping the doctor away. The benefits of probiotics in maintaining a healthy gut is known to all but how many people are familiar with the role of prebiotic foods in promoting stomach health. Prebiotics is responsible for feeding the good bacteria that are already present in your digestive system. Raw banana is a rich source of prebiotics and hence helps keep your gut healthy. You may also consider other options like Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, leeks, onions (raw and cooked), and asparagus for your daily dose of prebiotic.

Doctors often recommend soup for patients with a stomach upset. Since it is low in fat and sodium, it is very gentle on the gut, leaving it healthy. Soups are also a great way to deal with dehydration. They contain adequate nutrients to ensure the smooth functioning on the body. However, the commercialisation of food items has led to the manufacturing and availability of many high-sodium, processed soup packets. It is very important that you choose low-sodium soup if you want to maintain a healthy gut. Better still, have homemade soup or broth.

If you’re a non-vegetarian, fish is your best option if you want to eat healthy. It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which are very essential for the body. Moreover, it’s high nutrient content works wonders in keeping your gut healthy. You can consume fish in the form of soup, as a dish or just boiled. However, it is recommended to stay away from fried fish or anything that has too much oil in it. Salmon and tuna are your healthiest option. Be careful about the source you buy your fish from or it might be contaminated.

Grains are carb-light and are great for the body. Dense carbohydrates can affect the bacteria in your gut in a bad way and cause digestive problems. Grains and pulses are a great alternative. However, there are many grains that are considered to be carb dense and should be avoided. But, since they are high in fiber, they are very effective in promoting a healthy gut.

Dietitians often recommend papaya for weight loss. This is because it detoxifies the body and leaves your stomach clean of harmful bacteria. Papaya is also easier on the gut and helps maintain a healthy digestive track. It is also a great remedy for an upset stomach. It is also rich in enzymes called papain and chymopapain which help in effective digestion. These enzymes also help in the breakdown of proteins to amino acids. The production of these enzymes reduces as we age. Eating papaya helps meet this deficiency.

Ginger is another food item that is great for a healthy gut. It helps deal with a bad stomach and prevents nausea and vomiting. It reduces inflammation. It contains chemicals called gingerols and shogaols that relax the intestinal tract, preventing motion sickness, stomach flu, stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Ginger has a 75 per cent success rate in curing stomach flu and motion sickness. It also helps cure indigestion and other digestive disorders.

Spinach is considered to be the superman of all vegetables and is very good in promoting a healthy stomach. It also prevents bloating and gas formation. A recent study found that this leafy vegetable is very effective in cutting down the risk of stomach ulcers. Bacteria play a vital role in ulcer formation. Spinach is rich in nitrates that enter the blood stream and increase the flow of blood to the stomach. This in turn, helps to renew and strengthen the stomach’s mucous lining. People using mouth wash are at a higher risk of developing stomach ulcers and consuming adequate amounts of spinach can help reduce this risk. Spinach can be consumed in soup, as a salad or incorporated into other dishes.

Strawberries are also great for the stomach. They help fight gastric ulcers and acidity. It also protects the stomach from damaged alcohol consumption may cause. However, consuming this fruit after alcohol consumption will render it ineffective. You need to consume at least one bowl of berries daily to ensure maximum effects. The generation of free radicals or other reactive oxygen species can lead to many gastric illness. Strawberry helps fight a good 85 per cent of them. It also helps in digestion and detoxifying the body. Apart from promoting a healthy gut, it also ensures you enjoy good overall health.

Oats is an all rounder food that promotes not just a healthy stomach, but also good health and helps in weight loss. One bowl of oats in the morning can keep you full for a long duration and prevents you from snacking on other non-healthy food items. It also is very relaxing on the intestinal tract and prevents digestive problems. You can have oats with honey or fruits but it is often recommended to avoid sugar. Oatmeal is often recommended to treat an upset stomach. It is soft, bland and easy to digest, making it all the more soothing on the stomach.

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