4 Things You Should Know About Getting Fit And Staying Fit

Everyone wants a fit and healthy body, with a figure that looks like it was sculpted by the gods themselves.

Aha, but not everyone wants to, or has the drive to do what it takes to achieve it! Let’s face it, we’re not going to get anywhere eating fast foods a few times a week, and ditching exercise like it was the plague. It’s just not going to happen no matter how good your genes are. However, if you do want to look good in your jeans, then here’s what you should know right now!

Trying to get fit, and yes, keeping it up, has always been a dilemma for many out there. There always seems to be something or another to keep that dream from becoming a reality. For some, there’s the old “I haven’t got the time” excuse, that never seems to go out of style. For others, there’s just not enough drive, or motivation to get up from the couch and start moving that body around for a bit. We want to, don’t we? But we just can’t seem to get started! And that’s the first hurdle to get over, if a lean, fit and healthy body is what we want for ourselves.

While we’re going to attempt to change all that with this article, via the 5 main things to see to, we also have, as a bonus, a few mini tips you can check out and these can be your starting points before you take the other big steps outlined for you within these few pages. Here are a few things to take care of first:

Start something on a Monday. Pick a Monday to start on your exercise regime (as well as for your diet change). They say that anything started on a Monday will more likely be continued as a habit compared to if you were to begin on any other day. Well, if you think about it, starting something new on a monday and adhering to it for the entire week will probably give you a sense of accomplishment for having persevered for that timeframe – a whole, proper week! It’ll then give you the push you need to go on for another week, and another and so on. Nothing to lose there, right?

Wear ankle and wrist weights. Start wearing these today! The idea is to weight your limbs down so that you’ll be using more energy to move them, even while you’re just getting about your household chores, or going for a short walk in the park. The more energy you use, the more calories you burn and the more weight you’ll shed too. Ankle and wrist weights will also help you strengthen those arms and legs if you use them for long periods of time!

Love yourself! Keep reminding yourself that you’re worth every effort. Many of us lose ourselves to caring for our loved ones without realising that we too are worth loving, and that we need to care for ourselves too. Working towards a strong and fit body is the best way to start loving and taking good care of yourself. In fact, the older you get, the more you should care for yourself. So, be it a change of diet, starting a new hobby, self-pampering, and of course, getting serious with an exercise regime, do it now – don’t wait.

In other words, start an exercise regime, and stick to it as if your life depended on it. Exercising isn’t merely to lose weight and to keep it off, but it does so much more than that! Daily exercising, especially, strengthens your body from within, and firms up your muscles. It makes you feel energetic and acts as a mood booster as well. While you don’t necessarily have to go all out and start running, jogging, cycling, etc, you should however start taking up some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life.

If you’re looking to lose some weight however, then exercising should not only be an integral part of your get-fit plan, but the intensity of your exercises too should be increased to help you achieve your goal. One simple way you can go about this is to go for a brisk walk (not a leisurely stroll, mind you) each day, for at least an hour each time. Alternatively, you could also try a weight-loss exercise programme at home, guided by any of the countless YouTube videos available these days. Check them out today, and pick one you can easily follow, and get to it! One thing you’ll have to keep in mind when working out is to stay adequately hydrated at all times. Also, just because you’re exercising everyday, it doesn’t mean that you can neglect the quality of your diet. (see point NO:2). Consume a healthy, wholesome diet if you wish to have and keep a fit, healthy and sexy body, for your diet and exercise go hand in hand – one simply won’t suffice without the other! Reminder: If you’ve rarely exercised before, it would be a good idea to get a check up at your doctor’s office first, just to be safe.

You are you, and you don’t have to live up to the expectations of others, just because you have decided to get healthier, fitter and stronger. The point here is to become the best version of yourself, and to be that, you will need to be the healthiest you can be. It’s as simple as that, really. So, when you look at the mirror, try and see yourself (not someone you envy), in a healthier, fitter way. What would your new body look and feel like? How will you feel in a pair of jeans that never fit you before? What are all the activities you can partake in that you’re avoiding at the moment due to not being fit enough? Having a clear vision of what you would like to achieve will help you achieve wonders, believe us! The only caveat is, it will have to be sensible and believable! For example, if you’re wanting to go from a size 18 to a size 8 in two weeks, you will only be setting yourself up for disappointment. Unless of course, you resort to very unhealthy ways such as starving yourself or taking in dangerous get-slim-fast pills that can be very damaging to your internal organs! However, if you’re desiring to lose five kilograms in two months via sensible exercises and a healthy diet, and you see yourself looking and feeling great upon achieving it, that’s a goal you can be proud of!

This may sound like a no-brainer, but for those who are trying hard to get this going, it’s a whole different story. Living in Malaysia, we’re surrounded by delicious, easily-available food, 24/7. Most, if not all of these foods are rich in ingredients we don’t need if we’re serious about getting fit – sugar, artificial taste-enhancers, bad fats, artificial colorings, etc. And…. they taste soooooooo good, don’t they? They tempt us at the worst times too – in the mornings (think nasi lemak, roti canai, etc); lunch time (curry mee, mee mamak, rojak, etc); tea time (all sorts of kuih-muih, need we say more?); dinner time: (Fried chicken, burgers, etc); and even supper time!

So, if you’re ever going to get fit and healthy, this is one big obstacle to get over before you can get started. Our food intake matters a lot if we’re looking to get fit. We’ll need to take in lots of green vegetables and fruits for the nutrients and fibre. For example, apples, broccoli, spinach and papayas will provide the body with a myriad of essential nutrients while keeping your digestive system clean and well-running! In the April 2021 issue of Natural Health, we ran an article on the meaning of colors in plant foods. Do look it up for it’ll be useful for this purpose.

Other than that, you’ll also have to choose your meats and fish well too, for the good animal proteins your body needs while you’re working out towards a better body. Be choosy about protein shakes and opt for those that don’t include refined sugar, for that’s the last thing your body needs when you’re trying to get healthy.

Alway consume your food in moderate portions and avoid overeating. Overeating, mind you, can become a habit without you even noticing it. If you constantly eat more than what your body needs, your body will tend to adapt to ‘needing’ more food for you to feel satiated each time you eat. That’s how many people end up consuming much more calories than their bodies know what to do with! Chew well: That’s one really helpful tip! If you take the time to chew and enjoy your food, you’ll find that you will eat less and at the same time, get full quicker.

It is only through sleep and rest that the body is able to recharge and rejuvenate from within! When you sleep, your body is still hard at work, mending all that’s not right inside you. If you have been eating well and treating your body right, it will use this precious sleeping time to tend to all your internal needs, such as catching and expelling all toxins, bringing vital nutrients to all the different parts of your body that needs them, mending and beautifying your skin from the inside, etc. While you sleep, your body is undergoing a nice cleaning up, and getting ready to expel all the unwanted stuff via your daily toilet deeds. Hence, eating enough fibre during your dinner will help a lot! Remember too, that a heavy meal too close to dinner time is never a good idea. This is because, instead of getting busy with all the things we mentioned above, your body will be using all its energy to digest your big meal instead, leaving it with less time for the jobs it was supposed to be doing while you sleep!

Abide by the tips given above and you’ll not regret it! We hope this article will help see you get fit and stay fit. Tell us about it, will you? If you have a great get-fit story to share, do write to the editor at cindy.acepremier@gmail.com

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