8 Good Addictions To Have During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Sanitizing Freak
Can’t stop cleaning your hands? Keep it up! We have been advised to always keep our hands clean,to ward off the deadly virus. Don’t forget to moisturise afterwards, or you may end up with really dry hands.

Outfit-Change Madness
Changing your clothes each time you come home from a trip outside? Kudos! You’re doing the right thing, for you’ll never know what kind of germs and virus could be clinging on to your clothing when you’re out and about.

Stove Slave
During the MCO, many found themselves experimenting with new and healthy recipes in the kitchen. If you’re one of them, please, never turn back!

Spicing Up Everything
Cloves, cumin and pepper seemed to have found their way to everything you eat or drink, have they? You’re perfectly justified, for these spices help you fight off diseases and act as internal cleansers.

Blender Abuser
Is your blender being overworked lately with all those colorful and healthy whatnots? Carry on, we say! Drinking a fruit & veggie smoothie is easier than having to eat them in one sitting!

Crazy Gardener
When you realise that growing your own food saves you money, you’ll probably go loco thinking about all the edible plants you can cultivate at home.

Google Maniac
If you find yourself constantly engrossed in researching ways to keep healthy and well, it’s all good, especially now!

Cleaning Obsession
When you hit the point where nothing in the house seems clean enough for your standards, that’s an addiction worth keeping.


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