Be The Best, Healthiest and Happiest Version of Yourself

Everyone wants a new beginning each year, but how many are willing to take real steps forward to make that change? Well, we know a good many of you might not even know where to begin.

This one’s for you, for that much-needed boost to help you get on the right track for your health, happiness and well being.

Everything good begins with an attitude makeover
Chances are, if you’re really interested in reading this article, is that you’ve either been procrastinating long enough or you’ve been sweating out the small stuff a tad too much all this while. That old saying ‘you only live once’ may be well understood, but not well lived by – for let’s face it… good habits, the ones that can change our lives for the better, are the hardest to form, and they’re even harder to live by. Still, if we’re going to get somewhere in our aims to change our lives, we have got so start at some point. Here are some starting points to consider.

The mental fast-forward trick
This is specifically for those of you who have the habit of getting worked up for every single thing that happens in your life. Firstly, life can’t always be a bed of roses, and things are bound to happen. For example, let’s say that you’ve just encountered a confrontation at work, which left a bad taste in your mouth. Chances are, your whole day, and possibly a few more days to go after that, would have been ruined due to that one incident. It doesn’t really matter if it was due to a co-worker a superior, or a client, the thing to remember is, these things happen, no matter how good we think our situations are in life! The ‘escape’ from this is to think back of something that made you feel just as bad, or worse, that happened years ago. Does that even matter to you today? The point is, this too, shall pass and will matter very little to you as you go about your life. Mishaps happen, even major ones. How about getting over it and remind yourself that in time, things will be forgotten?

Daily prioritizing
Every morning, get up 10 minutes earlier than usual and before your feet even touch the ground, grab your notebook and list down at least three things to be prioritized for the day. It may seem like nothing to you at this point, but as you go about your day, make good on that list of yours and see what it feels like at the end of the day. Not only will you get to tick those off your list (for the day), but the sense of accomplishment will help you sleep better, feel more worthy, and pave the way for bigger things to accomplish for the week/month. It really is one of those things you have to do to feel what’s it like, trust us!

Eat a healthy breakfast
Aah, this may sound like a tough one, but not if you plan ahead! If you’re looking to self-motivate yourself towards a healthier diet, then starting your day right in terms of meals will help in coaxing your mind and body to carry on making better choices throughout the day. Of course, this works best if you already have intentions to make difference in your health via your daily food intake. If planning ahead is too time-consuming for you, then try logging in some basic ideas of what you should eat for the day in your prioritization list each morning ( see NO1). Know what the hardest part is though? Sticking to it, so may the forces of healthy choices be with you!

Meditate at least 10 minutes a day
It really does make a difference! The problem is, most people liken meditation to complicated breathwork, elevated levels of concentration, etc. While in some kinds of meditations, that may be sort of true, we, on the other hand, need not go to such extent to reap the benefits of healthy, mind-easing meditation. All it takes is a few minutes each day in a quiet spot. You may enhance your experience with scented candles or even scented oils such as frankincense, sandalwood or lavender. Simply close your eye and be still – in mind and body – for the duration of about ten minutes. It may be tough to do so for the first few tries, as you’ll find that thoughts keep popping in. Gently push them away and carry on meditating. It helps to focus on your breathing, for it distracts from unwanted thoughts that tend to ruin your meditative state. Meditating as a habit reaps numerous benefits for your overall health, physically, mentally and spiritually. In time you’ll find yourself much calmer, patients and more capable of addressing chaotic situations without compromising your own mental wellbeing.

Don’t be too harsh on setting deadlines
When setting goals for yourself, you’ve probably always been thought to set goal to have something to look forward to. But, if you intend to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, for instance, chances are, the bulk of your attention will be on the fact that the two weeks are quickly running out. That might be the only thing you’ll end up thinking about as you work out, while you’re shopping for healthier food, while you’re eating they super-healthy salad, etc. However, if you allow yourself ample time to achieve your goals, in the absence of stress and tension, you might find yourself striding towards those dreams faster and more confidently.

Don’t look down on baby steps
No matter how big your dreams are, remember that most successful people around us took small, seemingly insignificant steps at the beginning of their journey to where they are now in their lives. It could be just making a call, or looking up new information on the internet, writing an email, etc. You’ll have to take those small steps to get the ball rolling.


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