Freshen your breath with these foods!

Just as garlic and onion are capable of causing our breath to smell unpleasant, there are also foods you can eat to have the opposite effect, which is, to freshen your breath instead! So, what are they, you may be wondering? Here they are!

Bac-busting beverage: Green tea.

Containing an abundance of antioxidant catechin, green tea helps to fend off bacteria, the main cause of unpleasant-smelling breath!


Pleasantly deodorising: Parsley.

Rich in chlorophyll, chewing on a bit of parsley helps create a deodorizing effect in the mouth. Try it!


Freshen up with fruits (berries, apples, oranges): Fruits

help produce saliva which in turns aids in rebalancing the natural oral ecology of the mouth, and in doing so, eradicates bad breath.

Fight bacteria with bacteria: Yogurt and milk kefir.

These are probiotics-rich, and these good bacteria help overpower the bad-smelling bacteria. Plus, they’re great for your gut too!


Awesomely helpful almonds:

Chewing on almonds and other fibre-rich nuts helps to clean your teeth and eliminate bacteria that causes bad breath.

Spice power: Cardamom and clove.

Spices such as cardamoms and cloves, when chewed raw, give out special inti-bacterial oils which double up breath as deodorisers.


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