A Dozen Ways Garlic Can Improve Your Health!

Vampires are said to be repelled by it. Medieval Europeans used it to fight off the plague. The Egyptians buried it along with their dead for protection in the afterlife. Such are the stories about garlic, and fast-forwarded to 2019 and backed with science, garlic is still all-powerful, but in different ways, of course. Garlic has and always be revered for its health-promoting properties as well as its remedial effects on many ailments. Here are some of them.

1. Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and aging. It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

2. Garlic acts as a powerful blood purifier to cleanse your system and flush out toxins.

3. Garlic appears to have some benefits for bone health by increasing estrogen levels in females.

4. Garlic has known beneficial effects on common causes of chronic disease, so it makes sense that it could also help you live longer.

5. Eating raw garlic, or adding more of it into your cooking may be helpful in fighting off sinusitis, cold and flu.

6. Rubbing crushed garlic extract on your scalp is known to prevent and even reverse hair loss.

7. The high sulphur content in garlic is responsible for its antibiotic properties, helping to keep the digestive system clean by flushing out toxins.

8. Eating more garlic appears to improve blood pressure for those with known high blood pressure (hypertension).

9. Consuming garlic may help to significantly reduce lead toxicity and related symptoms.

10. Garlic is delicious and easy to add to your diet. You can use it in stir-fries, steamed fish, soups, stews and even in salad dressings and dips.

11. Garlic helps to reduce total and LDL cholesterol, particularly in those who have high cholesterol.

12. Several studies have indicated an association between daily consumption of garlic and prevention of stomach and colorectal cancers.


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