Collagen – it’s one of the most talked about and sought-after supplements, especially among women who are ‘chasing the fountain of youth’ so to speak. That’s because our own natural production of collagen tends to decrease with age, leaving us vulnerable to sagging skin, weaker joints, lacklustre hair, brittle nails, etc, etc, etc. That doesn’t sound appealing at all, does it, but wait, there is a point to all of this. Read on and we promise you, you won’t be disappointed!
There are many types of solutions out there, in terms of collagen supplements, but before you go racing out with your hard-earned cash to get some, understand that not all of them will work the way you dream they would. In fact, hardly any of them has as much to offer compared to the one we’re about to talk about, right here, right now.
Amidst a rather stiff market competition, Nutribear, which is a scientifically backed formulation of collagen product, has been experiencing resounding success in terms of product demand following the re-launch of the brand. Customers seemed to be insatiably stocking up on their supply, whereby the brand has seen a sharp spike in sales for the past six months. Judging from the rave reviews from users however on its star product, Nutribear Essential Fish Collagen, it’s no surprise why they keep coming back for more, and also why others would want to try it too!
Even the Founder of Nutribear, JC Cheng, admitted that the positive reviews and feedback left on the website as well as through Whatsapp were the main factors behind the soar in sales, particularly during the MCO period, as people kept going on about the effectiveness of Nutribear Essential Fish Collagen! Evidently, it all adds up to quality, for after all, all products from Nutribear are formulated with care, using only the best quality ingredients while omitting all the other unnecessary (and potentially harmful!) additives that one may find in other brands of collagen products, such as sugar, and even certain chemicals!
In fact, founder Cheng spoke adamantly on the matter when she said, “We let the quality of our collagen speak for itself by keeping things simple. Our products have no buffers, no fillers, no unexplained extras – just the highest-grade collagen.” Customers as well as those who are interested in trying out any Nutribear product can rest assured that they are formulated to produce results! This is of course, thanks to experts compromising biotech scientists and nutritionists, who are behind its unique, scientific formulation.
As a premium brand of collagen, Nutribear has been tried and tested for quality and performance as well as for the results they produce for users on their skin, hair, nails, etc.
In case you’re curious to know what exactly do users have to say about this safe and effective collagen supplement, there was one customer who excitedly testified on the difference the Essential Fish Collagen made to her skin, to the point of her mother inquiring if she had changed her skincare! And yet another was delighted to find her skin becoming more supple in less than a month of taking the Nutribear Essential Fish Collagen. Needless to say, there were many such reviews and remarks, and they motivated the founder to go all out and expand her brand so that everyone and anyone who needs them can benefit from these collagen products. She has also pledged 5% of Nutribear sales to animal conservation, especially the bears on the brink of extinction, aiming to donate at least RM50,000 to animal conservation by the end of 2023!
According to Cheng, the Nutribear formulas would suit anyone above 30 years of age, who has a busy lifestyle and would still want to look and feel their best. Well, as Nutribear products are all formulated to bear positive results, there is hardly a reason to hold back on this, is there?
Be at your best with Nutribear!
So, what is it that you’re after? Is it younger-looking skin? Better skin health? Stronger joints? Shinier hair? Lovelier, healthier nails? Or, perhaps you would like to reduce your cellulite? Many other customers have already experienced all these changes and more, and are happier now than ever before with themselves, and they have Nutribear to thank for it.
You’ll be glad to know that you won’t have to put up with any kind of fishy odour like many other fish collagen products available out there. And, what’s more, Nutribear’s QuickMixTM formula helps the powdered fish collagen to dissolve quicker! Nutribear Essential Fish Collagen is available in 250-gram tubs for RM225.00 each. For a scoop a day, that will be your 30-day supply and you can get it now at:
1) Sepang, Selangor
Leiya Wellness Sdn Bhd
Facebook: Leiya Wellness
Instagram: Leiya Wellness
2) Bukit Mertajam, Penang
Trevi Pharmacy Sdn Bhd
Facebook: Trevi Pharmacy Berapit-特莱维药剂行
To find out more about Nutribear, please visit the website, Facebook and
Instagram page.