Fuel Your Ramadan With Nonosugar’s TS Ong YesSure Gold

A Complete Nutrition Beverage for Sustained Energy and Digestive Wellness

During Ramadan, there’s nothing quite like the joy of sharing a warm, delicious meal with family after a long day of fasting. The allure of sweet treats and hearty dishes is undeniable, and with so many options available, it’s easy to indulge.

However, breaking fast too quickly with sugary or heavy foods can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, leading to energy crashes and digestive discomfort. Overloading on rich or oily dishes can also put a strain on digestion, causing bloating, discomfort, and even stomach upset. Instead of replenishing the body in a steady and nourishing way, these choices can make it harder to maintain energy levels throughout the evening.

A more balanced approach to iftar not only nourishes the body, but also helps sustain energy levels, ensuring we feel refreshed throughout the evening. To support steady energy and overall well-being, Nonosugar Health Tech Sdn Bhd (Nonosugar) introduces TS Ong YesSure Gold—a nutritious choice packed with essential nutrients and digestive support, making it the perfect companion for buka puasa nourishment.

The TS Ong YesSure Gold is a scientifically developed blend of essential nutrients that aids digestion, sustains energy, and supports overall health. Available in two variants—YesSure Gold Classic (Vanilla) and YesSure Gold Plant-Based (Walnut)—these nutritious beverages support your well-being during Ramadan with the following benefits:

  • No Sugar Spike, Just Steady Energy – YesSure Gold has a low glycaemic index, ensuring a gradual release of energy after fasting, preventing any sudden blood sugar spikes or crashes.
  • Nutrient-Rich Post-Fast Nourishment – Packed with protein, calcium, and fibre, YesSure Gold provides essential nutrients to help restore energy, support muscle recovery, and keep you feeling satisfied after fasting.
  • Supports Digestion and Immunity – Enriched with prebiotics and probiotics, YesSure Gold promotes digestive health and supports your immune system, making it an ideal option for post-fast wellness.

(Note: Click here to view the full list of YesSure Gold’s ingredients.)

Buka Puasa the Healthy Way with Nonosugar

To maximise the benefits of YesSure Gold, Nonosugar has shared the following essential tips, allowing you to break fast the healthy way without overindulging during the Ramadan period:

1. Prepare & Warm Up Your Body

Start your iftar by warming up your body and stomach with a cup of YesSure Gold. Not only does it help protect your stomach lining, but its low GI formulation ensures a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, keeping your blood glucose levels stable throughout your buka puasa. The rich prebiotic and probiotic formulation will also support healthy digestion and regular bowel movement.

2. Know your Food Groups – Enjoy your meal with the ‘Vegetable, Meat, Carbohydrates’ (VMC) method

Starting your meal with vegetables will nourish your body with essential nutrients and minerals. This food group is also rich in fibre, which will improve digestion. Next, fill up with protein to ensure your muscles are well-fed and you stay fuller for longer. Carbohydrates should come last, and it’s best to opt for complex carbohydrates that are low on the glycaemic index, such as legumes and whole grains.

3. Always Dress Up Your Carbohydrates

If carbohydrates play a big part in your daily meal or culture, try dressing them up. This is because naked carbohydrates are usually high in simple carbohydrates but low in fibre, protein, and fat. These can cause blood sugar spikes, which may lead to hunger and cravings. Examples of naked carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, white flour, sugary drinks, jams, sweets, crackers, fruit juice, and ultra-processed foods.

To dress up your carbohydrates, always add healthy fats, protein and fibre like nuts, seeds, and avocados to toast, granola, or pasta. This can help slow digestion and absorption, keeping you fuller for longer.

4. Replenish with Plenty of Water

After a long day of fasting and with a high fibre intake, make sure to drink plenty of water to help the fibre move through your bowels. If you need some flavour in your drinks, opt for unsweetened teas or beverages to avoid sugar spikes from added sugars.

Make this Ramadan a healthier one with Nonosugar’s TS Ong YesSure Gold! The YesSure Gold Classic (Vanilla) – RM88.99 per tin/ RM28.80* per box (8’s x 28g) and YesSure Gold Plant-Based (Walnut) – RM109.99 per tin/ RM29.90* per box (8’s x 25.5g) are halal certified, available now at www.nonosugar.com.my and selected independent pharmacies.

*The prices stated above are the discounted price. The normal prices for YesSure Plant-Based (Vanilla) and Plant-Based (Walnut) per box are RM38.80 and RM39.90, respectively.

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