Is Sleep Apnea Robbing You Of Restful Slumber? Sleep Easy With iNAP Sleep Therapy System!

When we speak of sleep apnea, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the CPAP machine, which delivers a stream of air into the airways to ease one’s breathing. Although latest versions may be portable, they are still cumbersome and bulky to use. Needless to say, if you happen to have sleep apnea, there are many things in life which you may have to forgo, mainly for the inconvenience of it all. If only there was a better way to deal with it, or a solution which fits in seamlessly into your life and lets you enjoy your sleep and rest in comfort. Well, as a matter of fact, there is, and it’s aptly called iNAP (intraoral Negative Air Pressure) Sleep Therapy System from Somnics, Inc.

Before we get to that, let’s take a look at a few cold, hard facts about sleep apnea.

  • Sleep apnea may occur at any age
  • It tends to get more severe with age
  • Many people may be having sleep apnea without realising it and it is often undiagnosed
  • Severe sleep apnea can adversely affect one’s health
  • Obstructive sleep apnea might also increase your risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke and abnormal heartbeats, etc.

If we found out that we have a serious disease, chances are high that we’d deal with it as soon as possible, and not take any chances. Sleep apnea, unfortunately, isn’t regarded by the masses as a serious health issue, when in reality, leaving it untreated may have serious consequences to our health and wellbeing. There may also be individuals out there who are in denial despite having sleep apnea, for they could not be bothered with having to use bulky devices while they sleep. Well, we can’t blame them, can we?

This is why the iNAP Sleep Therapy System is gaining recognition, for it has changed the way people are dealing with sleep apnea. Barely three years in the market and it has already won the Taiwan Excellence Award. This exceptionally outstanding product will be reaching Malaysian users soon, giving local consumers with sleep apnea a chance to deal with their condition in a much better way than the conventional.

The natural health team had the chance to catch up with Alfie Liu, Marketing & Sales Manager and Woody Chou, Director of SEA Business Distribution of Somnics, Inc. to learn more about this mighty device.

No bigger than a cell-phone and weighing a mere 210 grams, the iNAP Sleep Therapy System is a revolutionary new way to deal with this annoying condition. Now, you don’t have to weigh your life down, so to speak, with bulky devices, to be able to breathe easier while sleeping.

iNAP operates using just one button!

You may be wondering by now, how it works? Well, for starters, the iNAP Sleep Therapy System looks and feels great, and nowhere near intimidating for users. CPAP machine users can now say goodbye to unsightly face masks, oversized tubes and what-nots, and instead, just lay back and relax with the non-intrusive easiness of iNAP Sleep Therapy System. Small and trendy in appearance, it features an oral interface that is soft, and fits well in your mouth. Regardless of the fact that it goes into your mouth, it’s a one-size-for-all, flexible, and comfortable to use for anyone at all.

During sleep, the iNAP Sleep Therapy System uses negative pressure to create a gentle vacuum within the oral cavity, pulling back the tongue and soft tissues. This helps to free up the airway and you will be breathing naturally, through your nose while you sleep. It may sound simple, but its effects are life-changing, as it results in better sleep quality throughout the night. If you have sleep apnea, you’d surely agree that this is much more appealing than having air forced into your airway!

The iNAP Sleep Therapy System operates silently too, so you won’t have to startle yourself or your partner while you sleep! But what’s more interesting is that this little device, though small in size, is able to offer relief and comfort to even severe cases of sleep apnea.

In conclusion, can you imagine traveling overseas, or even just going camping, or sleeping over at a friend’s when you have sleep apnea and need to be hooked onto a CPAP machine when it’s bedtime? It’s no wonder people with sleep apnea have to compromise so much in their lives. With the iNAP Sleep Therapy System, these are in the past! As it is lightweight and compact, you can bring it with you anywhere, and enjoy a restful sleep anywhere, anytime – Just remember to keep the battery charged, and it’s good to go.

Lastly, it’s a fact that countless people who have sleep apnea do not have access to CPAP machines or any other means of treatment for their condition. In other words, people with sleep apnea are going without proper, much-needed treatment. The iNAP Sleep Therapy System is set to change this, where everyone who has sleep apnea should be able to afford it and enjoy a better quality of life as a result of better quality sleep!

Let’s recap this.

*Instead of an intimidating full face mask, with the iNAP Sleep Therapy System you’ll only need to use a soft, flexible oral interface and breathe naturally through your nose.

*Instead of having to sleep with a loud machine nearby, you can snooze peacefully with the iNAP Sleep Therapy System working for you, silently.

*Instead of avoiding naps or napping in the presence of others due to having to rely on bulky breathing devices with large hoses, you can now nap anywhere, anytime with the compact and convenient iNAP Sleep Therapy System and its tiny tube.

*If you have sleep apnea and have been avoiding dealing with it due to not wanting to rely on bulky devices, you can now treat it discreetly with the iNAP Sleep Therapy System, and enjoy a much higher quality sleep, anywhere you are, any time of the day or night!

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