Kidaone Elderberry + Colostrum: A Key To The Best Immunity For Children.
Kidaone Elderberry + Colostrum: A Key To The Best Immunity For Children.

Kidaone Elderberry + Colostrum: A Key To The Best Immunity For Children.

Every parent wishes for their child to have a strong and healthy immune system, for only then can their precious little one enjoys a more fulfilling childhood and have lots of fun growing up.

And why is that? Well, a healthy immunity means being less likely to fall ill, as the body is more capable of fighting off coughs, colds and other common ailments. This also means fewer sick days from school, and fewer trips to the doctor’s office!

When children are still newborns, they get their shot of natural immunity from their mother through her first breast milk, called colostrum. It helps to keep them healthy and prevent them from falling ill too quickly. As they grow older and wean off their mother’s milk, they are also exposed to all sorts of germs and bacteria. This is where a strong and healthy immunity can play a major role, for it will help them in fending off bacteria and viruses which will make them ill.

“Colostrum is the mind-blowing superfood for newborn baby. It is packed with nutrients, antibodies and growth factors that help to strengthen the immunity, fight against bacteria and viruses, and enhance digestive tract health which then help to promote better digestion. It consists of Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the main antibodies that directly fight range of pathogens, Cytokines (small peptide molecules that helps to regulate immune response), Lactoferrin (iron-binding glycoprotein with anti-viral and anti-microbial activity) and Lysozyme (enzyme that helps to support immune function),” said Dr Jezamine Lim Iskander Wellous Scientific & Research Advisor.

It’s not wrong to assume that having enough sleep, taking care of personal hygiene and having good eating habits will help, but many parents find that it’s just not enough to keep their children’s immunity up. This is where KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum comes in, to ensure that your little superhero gets all that’s needed to fend off diseases and to thrive during the delicate growing up years. KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is a chewable form tablet made specifically to improve the health and immunity of children. The delectable berry & cocoa flavoured tablets are formulated to include three main ingredients, which are colostrum (ColostrumOne™); elderberry extract (ElderCraft®); and vitamin C (PUREWAY-C™).

The colostrum in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum is sourced from Grade A Dairies from the United States, processed under the most stringent quality control. It is rich in nutrients meant to enhance the growth and development of children, keeping them healthy, with a strong immune system to boot. Each serving of KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum contains 600mg of colostrum with 25% lgG, which is the antibody that help to fight against infection.

ElderCraft® is a high quality nutrient consisting of extracts of the Austrian black elderberry, which has antiviral as well as antibacterial properties. It helps to reduce the severity of coughs and colds while also decreasing flu-like symptoms.  The ElderCraft® content in KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum helps to support children’s immunity and enhance their general wellbeing. Each KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum tablet contains 100mg of this immune-building elderberry extract.

Each KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum tablet also contains 100mg of (PUREWAY-C™), a superior form of vitamin C with lipid metabolites. It offers a higher level of antioxidant activity and more free-radical scavenging too, which helps to keep children’s immunity levels at its peak. Its special SuperSorb technology helps it absorb better and retain better too, for higher utilisation by the body.

Take a closer look at your precious child today. Your little one is constantly moody, tired, restless and complains of not being able to keep up at kindergarten or school, and, if your doctor can’t find anything wrong, then it’s time for KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum! Let your child enjoy enhanced health, better digestion and a more quality childhood simply with a powerful boost of immunity with KidAone Elderberry + Colostrum, and see the difference!

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