BEST Female Insurance Plan
Empowering Women with Tailored Protection and Rewards
PRULady has emerged as the deserving winner in the Women’s Insurance Plan category, a recognition of its pioneering approach to meeting the unique needs of women at every stage of life. This exceptional plan combines comprehensive coverage with thoughtful benefits that go beyond traditional insurance, providing financial security, empowerment, and emotional support.
One of the standout features of PRULady is its impressive coverage of up to 260%, offering robust financial protection to safeguard against unforeseen circumstances. Complementing this is the plan’s cash rewards for life milestones, celebrating moments such as marriage, childbirth, and career achievements. These rewards make PRULady a partner in the personal and professional journeys of women, fostering confidence and independence.
The plan also ensures 110% total premium returns, an unparalleled feature that reinforces its commitment to value and long-term financial stability. Beyond monetary benefits, PRULady addresses the often-overlooked area of mental health by actively supporting mental wellbeing, demonstrating a holistic approach to women’s health and happiness.
PRULady exemplifies innovation and sensitivity, redefining the essence of insurance for modern women. Its tailored benefits resonate with the diverse aspirations and challenges faced by women, setting it apart as a trusted ally in their pursuit of security and success. Winning this award underscores PRULady’s dedication to empowering women with meaningful protection and a brighter financial future.
Terms and Conditions apply. The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy is(are) protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”) Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit
PRULady伴您同行 专为女性量身打造的专属保障与奖励
专为马来西亚女性精心打造的——PRULady 保险方案,近来荣获了“最佳女性保险方案”大奖,彰显其在满足新时代女性不同人生阶段独特需求方面的创新性。这项加强版的女性特定危疾计划,不仅提供全面保障,还带来传统保险无法比拟的贴心权益,赋予女性财务安全、力量和情感关怀。
PRULady 的主要特点是提供高达 260% 的全面保障,为新时代女性在应对人生突发状况中提供强大的财力支援。此外,该保险方案通过现金奖励的方式庆祝女性的重要人生里程碑,包括婚姻、为人父母和升职成就等。这些现金奖励不仅体现了对女性成就的肯定,更助力她们在人生旅程中自信独立地追求梦想。
此保险方案还提供高达 110% 的总保费回报,这一独特福利展现了对价值和长期财务稳定的坚定承诺。不仅如此,PRULady 特别关注女性心理健康这一常被忽视的领域,通过提供身心健康护理利益,全面诠释了对女性健康与幸福的全方位呵护。
PRULady 保险方案以创新与贴心为特色,为现代女性重新定义了保险的意义。其专为新时代女性量身打造的专属福利,完美契合女性多样化的梦想与挑战,成为女性追求安全与成功路上最值得信赖的伙伴。此次荣获大奖,不仅是对 PRULady 卓越表现的肯定,更进一步彰显了 PRULady 为女性提供有意义的保障和创造更美好未来的坚定承诺。
须符合条规。 Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) 保障合格保险保单下应支付的保险利益至保障限额为止。请参阅PIDM的保险及伊斯兰保险利益保障制度的小册子或联络马来西亚保诚保险有限公司或PIDM(请浏览 | prudentialmalaysia | prudentialmalaysia