BEST Male Insurance Plan
Redefining Protection and Rewards for the Modern Gentleman
PRUMan has been honoured as the winner in the Men’s Insurance Plan category, a recognition of its exceptional ability to meet the dynamic needs of today’s men. Designed with precision and care, this innovative plan offers a blend of comprehensive coverage, financial incentives, and mental wellbeing support, setting a new benchmark for personalised insurance solutions.
At the core of PRUMan is its extensive coverage of up to 240%, ensuring robust financial security during life’s uncertainties. Additionally, the plan acknowledges and celebrates significant life achievements with cash rewards for milestones, such as marriage, parenthood, or career advancements, making it a meaningful partner in every stage of a man’s journey.
With its 110% total premium returns, PRUMan exemplifies value-driven insurance, offering a long-term financial benefit that distinguishes it from traditional plans. Beyond these tangible rewards, PRUMan also emphasises mental health by providing active support for mental wellbeing—a progressive and critical component of holistic protection.
PRUMan combines practicality and empathy, addressing the evolving priorities of modern men. This award reflects its commitment to fostering a balance of financial stability, personal growth, and mental resilience. PRUMan not only protects but also empowers, proving itself as an indispensable ally in achieving life’s ambitions with confidence and peace of mind.
Terms and Conditions apply. The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy is(are) protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”) Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit
PRUMan为他精心打造 重新定义新时代男士的保障与奖励
PRUMan 保险方案作为大马首个男性专属的危疾保险方案,最近荣获“最佳男性保险方案”大奖,这一殊荣充分表彰了其在满足新时代男士多样化需求的卓越表现。PRUMan 由保诚保险推出,专为新时代男性提供全面保障、现金奖励和心理健康支援,开创了个性化保险方案的新标杆。
PRUMan 的核心亮点在于提供高达 240% 的全面保障,为新时代男士在面对未来各种不确定性时提供坚实的经济安全保障,真正让每一位男士都能从容应对人生挑战。此外,PRUMan 贴心地以现金奖励的方式庆祝您意义非凡的人生里程碑,例如结婚、为人父母或升职,成为男士在人生旅程每个阶段中的重要伙伴。
同时,PRUMan 提供高达 110% 的总保费回报,以长期现金奖励的方式展现其物超所值的保险理念。与传统保险不同,PRUMan 意识到身心健康的重要性,特别为男士提供身心健康护理利益。这一设计反映了对客户整体健康需求的深刻理解,彰显了关怀与前瞻的理念。
值得一提的是,PRUMan 的设计融入了实用性与同理心,以满足新时代男士不断变化的需求。此次获奖充分体现了 PRUMan在提供健康及财务保障、个人成长和心理关怀之间实现平衡的承诺。PRUMan不仅提供全面保障,更赋予力量,成为助力男性自信从容实现人生目标的可靠伙伴。
须符合条规。 Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) 保障合格保险保单下应支付的保险利益至保障限额为止。请参阅PIDM的保险及伊斯兰保险利益保障制度的小册子或联络马来西亚保诚保险有限公司或PIDM(请浏览 | prudentialmalaysia | prudentialmalaysia