Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain
Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain

Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain

BEST Immunity Multigrain Drink

Championing Immunity and Growth

Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain is a groundbreaking blend designed to support overall health and immunity for individuals of all ages. Combining science-backed nutrition with a delightful taste, this drink is a leader in the multigrain nutrition category.

A standout feature of Rikinov® is its nutritionist-formulated golden formula, enriched with arginine, a crucial nutrient for physical development and vitality. This unique blend provides essential support for growth and well-being at any stage of life.

The inclusion of elderberry, renowned for its high concentration of anthocyanins, enhances the drink’s functionality. Elderberry’s potent anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to support immune function make it a powerful ally for maintaining robust health.

Rikinov® also prioritises digestive health for all users. With seven major dietary supplements, the formula actively repairs and regulates the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption for everyone.

Manufactured under stringent international standards such as SGS, HACCP, GMP, and MESTI, Rikinov® guarantees premium quality and unmatched safety, making it a trustworthy choice for all age groups.

By addressing key health needs—including growth, immunity, digestion, and safety—Rikinov® Elderberry Multigrain emerges as the ultimate choice for nurturing a healthy and active lifestyle for everyone. Its commitment to excellence cements its place as a trailblazer in the multigrain nutrition category.



后疫情时代,免疫力成为健康的首要防线。Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐凭借科学配方与优质成分,在维护免疫力方面表现卓越,成为守护家庭健康的优质选择。

Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐之所以在增强抵抗力方面表现卓越,源于其核心成分——接骨木莓(Elderberries)。接骨木莓富含花色素苷,这是一种强效的天然抗氧化剂,其抗氧化能力是维生素C的20倍。研究表明,花色素苷不仅能够抑制病毒的复制,还能直接干预病毒在呼吸道内的传播,从而显著缩短感冒和流感的病程。

除此之外,接骨木莓中的活性成分还能增强免疫细胞的活性,例如增加NK细胞和巨噬细胞的数量与效率,这些细胞是身体对抗病毒感染的关键力量。通过提升免疫系统的整体反应速度,Rikinov® 营养餐能帮助身体更快清除病原体,减轻症状并加速康复。


通过长期饮用,Rikinov® 不仅有效减少感冒和流感的发生频率,还能帮助身体在日常环境中更好地抵御各种病原体的侵袭,为全家人提供全面的健康守护!

Rikinov® 采用无糖、无色素、无防腐剂的安全配方,通过低温烘焙技术锁住营养,温和养胃,适合全家饮用。凭借这一系列功效,Rikinov® 接骨木莓营养餐成功荣膺《最佳免疫力谷粮饮》 ,成为守护家庭健康的优质选择!


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