Safe travels 2022!

Travelling, for those who love it, can be such fun! Anticipating the arrival at your favourite holiday spot, or, even travelling to a destination which you’ve not been to before! Just thinking ahead of all the exciting activities you have planned is enough to give you quite a rush, isn’t it? Still, there is still the very glaring reality that despite the world opening up to travellers, we are still in the midst of a pandemic and a very dangerous virus is still raging out there. Hence, the term ‘safe travels’ actually holds an even bigger meaning than ever before. After all, travellers want to have fun, and not end up sick and stranded, are we not right? Well, if you have travelling in your mind this year, then this article is for you. Enjoy!

Pick a low-rick destination

For your own safety (and the safety of those travelling with you), your choice of destination is crucial, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, we hope you will take it upon yourself to do your research as to all the high-risk locations, and avoid travelling there at all costs! Instead, pick among the lowest-risk places where you can be more at ease during your stay there. It does not conclude though that you’re free to do as you please, for chances are high that most places still have their own set of SOPs to follow. Know these SOPs well and adhere to them for your own good and of course, to keep others safe too. Remember, travelling can be fun and there’s a lot to look forward to, only if you have the good sense to play it safe and don’t take any risks at this time!


Keep your important medical supplies at hand

If you happen to be on certain prescriptions drugs for any conditions or illness you may be having, don’t forget to pack them and take them along. Place them separately in a specific medicine bag or case for easy access. It would be unwise to leave these out, or attempt to get your supply at your destination, for they may be out of stock, or they may not even carry the same ones you are used to. Do also include medication for other common ailments that may unexpectedly crop up and ruin your holiday, such as headaches, cough, flu, etc. If you have a history of allergies, include your meds for those too. Apart from that, do also pack all necessary first aid supplies such as band aid, cotton gauze, small, cut-up cotton gauze or gauze pads, and antibacterial cream. The objective is to be ready if there is a need for these, so you will not have to scamper around town trying to find what you need – that’s no fun at all, believe us! Travel smart and be always ready for the unexpected!


Get a full physical checkup beforehand

Your health is the most precious gift, for if you lose it, you will not be able to enjoy a quality life with your loved ones. When it comes to going off on a holiday, your health also matters. in fact, it matter a lot, for the last thing you need is to discover an underlying medical condition or situation during your travels, which could have been addressed earlier if it had been detected! Hence, a full medical checkup complete with bloodworks is recommended to anyone who intends to travel , and it should be done a couple of months ahead of travelling. That way, you can hopefully address any unwanted medical situations that need a doctor’s attention. It will save you a whole lot of stress to just get this done and over with, especially during these uncertain times of a worldwide pandemic. Why would you want to end up in a hospital or medical facility in a foreign land for something that could have been treated here in your own home country. On that note, please do not neglect to find out the necessary Covid-19 swab tests that you would need to undergo prior to travelling, unless you wouldn’t mind your travelling plans being messed up due to not having these done!


Avoid physical contacts as much as possible

This advice applies regardless if you’re travelling alone or with anyone else. Unless you are travelling with a child, minimising physical contact with anyone for the duration of your travels till you’re back home might be a good idea to help curb the possible spread of the Covid-18 virus. As part of the SOP’s in many parts of the world, and possibly at where you’re travelling to, most kinds of physical contact such as shaking hands or hugging are still frowned upon, and so is standing too close to one another. They are for good reasons too – we can never be too careful when it comes to our safety and health, even at this time. For your own safety keep a sanitising spray accessible at all times and use it whenever necessary, i.e. if someone has unintentionally (or intentionally) brushed against you, or if any other such incidents take place. Please use it, don’t spare it!


Take quarantine seriously

Yes, we get it – quarantine and holidays aren’t exactly a match made in heaven. In fact, not that long ago, the word quarantine was only used during certain isolated circumstances such as if someone had chicken pox, for instance. Today however, it is a household term used all around the globe and millions of people, literally, have to undergo this isolation practice to help stop the Covid-19 virus from spreading. If you have travelling planned for 2022, chances are you would have to undergo this measure, either when you arrive at your destination, or, when you get back home. There are no two ways about this! Unfortunately, there have been many cases of people cheating their way out of quarantine, or even brazenly neglecting to do so. Thai is extremely dangerous to others, and not to mention, it is a selfish act. Do spare a thought for the high risk group of people you may be risking by not taking quarantine seriously. We hope you will do so!

There you have it – our take on how you can travel safe and keep others safe too. Bon voyage!


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