Spring Onions Here’s Why You Should Learn to Love Them

Spring onions may be known by many names, such as onion leaves, onion stalks, scallions or even green onions. It is essentially an immature form of an onion, where the leaves are used as garnishing or in salads and stir-fries. One thing’s for sure though, and that is, they are a powerhouse of essential nutrients and they jazz up boring dishes with a distinctive, peppery flavour. Unique, healthy and tasty – if you are not yet a fan, we’re hoping to convince you to become one now!

Spring onions are rich in essential nutrients like Vitamins A, C, B2 or thymine, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. They add great taste and flavour to the dishes they are added in, although to this day, it can be argued that when taken raw, it may be an acquired taste. So now, why are they really good for you and why should you learn to love them? Let’s take a look.

  • Keeps your eyes healthy! Spring onions are an excellent source of carotenoids and Vitamin A, that help in keeping the eyes healthy and prevent vision problems.
  • Prevents colds. Like many other herbs, spring onions have antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fend off viral infections like cold.
  • A healthy digestive aid. With its rich fibre content, eating just a little raw spring onion leaves will aid in your bowel movements, and let’s face it, who doesn’t need help with that these days, right?
  • Keeps your bones healthy and strong. With its rich calcium and Vitamin K content, spring onions are helpful in keeping your bones healthy and strong.
  • For a healthy tummy. Spring onions have been known to be a natural remedy to prevent diarrhoea and other stomach complications because of their antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • For boosted immunity! Loaded with Vitamins A and C, munching on some spring onions will help keep your immune system strong to fight off diseases.
  • A heart-healthy herb. The abundance of antioxidants in spring onions are likely to aid in fighting the free radicals that places us at risk of heart diseases.
  • Protects against tissue damage. As a rich source of Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, eating spring onions on a regular basis will help to protect the body tissues from damage and inflammation.
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