The leading smart hospital has successfully administered robot-assisted surgeries across orthopaedic, gynaecology, urology and general surgery fields.
Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City has once again highlighted their commitment to innovative patient care with an event commemorating the administration of robot-assisted surgeries. This milestone achievement comes as another step in the hospital’s diligent investment into the latest smart hospital technology to improve patient care and precision medicine.

Sunway Medical Centre procured the highly advanced da Vinci Si Surgical System in 2016 and their latest addition, the da Vinci Xi 4th Generation Surgical System was the first of its kind in the country when it was launched in January this year. With its advanced surgical technology, the da Vinci Xi makes complex surgeries simpler and enhances surgical performance, allowing Sunway Medical Centre’s surgeons to have an extended range of motion and substantially improved vision while operating.
Sunway Medical Centre continues to be at the forefront technology with the acquisition of additional cutting-edge robotic surgery systems and made history by carrying out Malaysia’s first ever robot-assisted joint replacement surgery in 2021. These state-of-the-art systems allowed Sunway Medical Centre to successfully conduct robot-assisted procedures with increased precision and less post-operative pain for their patients.

Dr Khoo Chow Huat, Sunway Healthcare Group Managing Director (Hospital and Healthcare Operations) shares that, “This celebration represents a significant milestone for Sunway Medical Centre. Ever since we first introduced robotic systems into our surgical procedures, our goal has always been to revolutionise Malaysian healthcare by looking for innovative ways to enhance our patients’ experience, while keeping their comfort and well-being at the top of mind. We could not be more pleased with how far we have come in helping patients and look forward to helping more in the years to come.”
The landmark event, held at SunMed Convention Centre, was attended by Dr Khoo Chow Huat, Sunway Healthcare Group Managing Director (Hospital and Healthcare Operations), Dr Seow Vei Ken, Sunway Medical Centre Chief Executive Officer and Helen Ng Hoy Loon, Sunway Medical Centre General Manager of MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery) Services and Robotic Surgery along with Guest of Honour Dato’ Lau Beng Long, Sunway Healthcare Group President.
Patients and media guests attended the event where Dr Tan Ee Ping, Consultant Gynaecologist at Sunway Medical Centre, shared about her experience operating with the da Vinci Xi system, while Helen shared on how the expansion of the robotic surgery repertoire in the hospital has benefitted both patients and surgeons alike.
“The fourth generation da Vinci Surgical System brings about a whole host of functionalities as compared to its previous three predecessors, such as overhead instrument arm architecture which allows anatomical access from virtually any position, the ability to attach the endoscope to any of its four arms, as well as smaller, thinner arms, with newly designed joints that offer a great range of motion,” shared Dr Tan Ee Ping who is the leading surgeon of the first da Vinci Xi surgery in Sunway Medical Centre.
The event concluded with an exclusive demonstration of da Vinci Xi, which showed how a surgeon’s hand movements are seamlessly translated into the robotic arms, allowing precise incisions and enhanced control.
Helen Ng Hoy Loon, Sunway Medical Centre General Manager of MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery) Services and Robotic Surgery praised the system’s ability to consistently apply smaller, more accurate incisions and movements, leading to minimal scarring and reduced blood loss during surgeries.
“This highly intelligent system has allowed our surgeons to give patients a quicker and more comfortable recovery. The more we operate with these highly advanced robotic technologies, the more encouraged I feel that we are truly providing Malaysians with the best possible smart hospital technology to help them live their lives without pain,” she acclaims.

Besides da Vinci Xi, Sunway Medical Centre also operates with systems such as Mako SmartRobotics and ROSA Knee System, which are used in knee and hip replacement surgeries. These robotic technologies create an X-ray or CT-derived, 3D module of the joint that enables surgeons to pre-plan the surgery. With this pre-surgical plan, the software will guide the surgeon where to cut and how much to cut before placing the implant. These robotic systems allow higher accuracy of implant placement, lesser bone cut, better soft tissue protection, lesser blood loss, less post-operative pain, shorter hospital stay, faster recovery and longterm durability.