Superb Health Benefits of the Mighty Mushroom

A common delicacy, mushrooms can be found in most cuisines around the world. They are also tagged as a superfood, thanks to their delicious yet nutritious properties. Let’s explore the various types of edible mushrooms, the health benefits they offer, and how you can incorporate this healthy food into your daily diet.

Tasty and nutritious, edible mushrooms come in numerous shapes, sizes, and colours, each offering its own set of nutritional benefits. Fat-free, low-sodium, low-calorie, and cholesterol-free, they are also packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals. While mushrooms are actually fungi, they are considered vegetables for cooking purposes and thus are a fantastic ingredient for vegan or vegetarian meals.

Nutritional Values of Mushrooms
“There are thousands of mushroom varieties, and each of them may have different nutrition. Among the mushrooms, the Grey Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) and Brazil mushroom (Agaricus blazei) contain higher amounts of protein, while oyster mushrooms, especially the King Oyster varieties (Pleurotus eryngii), contain high amounts of dietary fibre,” says Dietitian Li Zhe Xhuen from Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre, Klang.

Below, Zhe Xhuen highlights the important nutritional benefits of mushrooms:

  • Protein: For vegetarians, mushrooms are a great source of protein. By including mushrooms in your meal, you can increase your protein intake, particularly essential amino acids. Amino acids are vital for building muscle and repairing the cells.
  • β-glucans: β-glucans are mushrooms’ main polysaccharides and help boost the immune system as they can induce both innate and adaptive immune responses. This can protect the human body with a better performance of the immune system to defend against viruses or bacteria.
  • Sterol: Sterol has been widely studied for its heart-protecting properties. Mushrooms contain sterol and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that play an essential role in preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Dietary fibre: The dietary fibre from mushrooms can help improve gut microbiota (gut bacteria), offering potential effects on some gastrointestinal diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and improving the digestive system.

Preparing, Storing and Cooking Mushrooms
According to Zhe Xhuen, including any types of mushrooms in your meal is a good choice as they provide excellent nutrition, but the most important thing to take note of is the cooking method.

“Cooking methods may affect the nutrients of food, especially the vitamins and minerals content. As mushrooms contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin Bs, and potassium, it is recommended to opt for sautéing or stir-frying. These methods preserve the nutrients better as they require a shorter cooking time. In addition, cooking without water prevents the loss of heat-sensitive vitamins,” she elaborates.

She also advises storing and preparing mushrooms properly. For example, it’s a good idea to keep them in a brown paper bag with the top open as this helps absorb moisture and prevent them from spoiling quickly. Also, don’t wash or clean the mushroom until just before use.

“When you clean mushrooms, you can either place the mushrooms under gentle running water and pat dry with a paper towel or brush the dirt off with a dampened paper towel. However, you have to avoid fully immersing or soaking your mushrooms to prevent them from waterlogging,” she adds.

Food Safety and Precautions
While mushrooms are generally safe for consumption, there are some precautions to consider before taking them:

  • Never eat wild mushrooms as you are unsure of the poisonous effects of these mushrooms. Only consume store-bought ones.
  • Avoid mixing alcohol with edible mushrooms, especially the Coprinus species, as it will cause toxicity when consumed together.
  • It’s not advisable to take medication and mushrooms at the same time, especially when it comes to mushrooms with potential therapeutic effects, as they might cause harmful drug-nutrient interaction.

4 Types of Healthy Mushrooms to Try

White Button Mushroom: low in calories and offers a good dose of vitamins and minerals; extremely beneficial to those who have type 2 diabetes as they contain several different anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.
Shiitake: highest concentrations of natural copper, which supports healthy blood vessels, bones, and immune support; also a rich source of selenium and helps reduce cholesterol and inflammation whilst strengthening the immune system.
Maitake: contains a large amount of beta-glucan, which is beneficial for your cardiovascular and immune systems; helps lower blood glucose levels and activates insulin receptors.
Tea Tree Mushroom: also known as Willow Mushroom or Chinese God Mushroom; contains a large amount of anti-cancer polysaccharides, potentially reduces high blood pressure and enhances body immunity.


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Li Zhe Xhuen
Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre, Klang

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