The Next Generation Of ‘Super Food’: Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme Enzyme Drinks
The Next Generation Of ‘Super Food’: Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme Enzyme Drinks

The Next Generation Of ‘Super Food’: Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme Enzyme Drinks

We don’t need to wait a few years more in developing those lauded enhanced ‘superfood’ like those in the sci-fi movies.

The time is now. In fact, true ‘superfoods’ already exist for us, and most of them are in the form of fruits and vegetables. The issue is, how do we get them in,  and digest them well, together with all their highly valuable enzymes?

Thanks to the hard work of  top scientists and researchers from around the world, we are now able to enjoy the amazing health benefits of dozens of fruits and vegetables through Bioxil Innertreats, a solution to upgrade and enhance our way of life, particularly our dietary intake, during this worldwide pandemic season. After all, no one wants to be unhealthy at this time, or worse, fall ill!

Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme, is an enzyme drink that lets us take in the benefits of 126 fruit and vegetable types in just one gulp! This exceptional  product is made from 100% natural ingredients, strictly leaving out the  “7 NOs”, which are: no alcohol, no pesticides, no hormones, no harmful additives, no artificial coloring, no artificial flavoring, and no harmful preservatives. So, we don’t ever need to worry about all those harmful substances getting into our body when we enjoy its health-giving benefits!

Our bodies depend on enzymes to carry out many of its main functions including microcellular activities such as breaking down large molecules into smaller one as digestive enzymes, replication of DNA in our cells and breaking down toxic substances in our liver. Enzymes are without a doubt, crucial for our overall health, but sadly, most of us, even those who think they’re eating a good diet, are lacking it. Constant stress in our lifestyle, not getting enough nutritious food, constant exposure to chemicals and toxic substances, and even enduring certain illnesses or conditions all tend to deplete us from much-needed enzymes. It is actually safe to say today, under quite stressful circumstances such as living amidst a pandemic and trying to live a decent life, we all need as much enzymes as possible to ensure we remain healthy from the inside out.

How fortunate for us all actually, that top scientists and researchers have been diligently working on VitalZyme Enzyme Drinks, which is brewed with doubleNUTRI technology, giving us a higher chance in absorbing good enzymes to ensure our bodies remain healthy and in great shape. 

There’s a saying that goes, “You are what you eat”. Eating nutrient-dense food is essential if we wish to have a healthy body that functions well. You may also have heard about the Rainbow Diet concept, which suggests that we should consume foods from seven groups of colors (red, purple/blue, orange, green and white/brown.) in which each of them have their own unique nutritional profile. With Vitalzyme Enzyme Drinks, we can now take in the countless nutrients from this Rainbow Diet itself  in one single 15g sachet. Staying healthy simply can’t get more convenient than this!

Another segment of overall health that we cannot afford to ignore, and in which Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme can help take care of,  is fibre intake. Again, it’s most unfortunate to find that the majority of us are not getting the amount of fibre needed to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life. Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme is the easiest way to take in the fibre that is essential for our bodies to prevent constipation, improve digestion and cleanse our system. A healthy and well-functioning digestive system in turn increases our overall wellness, and improves our body’s defenses against free radicals and diseases. Any way you look at it,  Bioxil Innertreats Vitalzyme Enzyme drink is the perfect solution for us today. It is by far, the most convenient way to stay healthy, well-nourished and in a fine fettle! 

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