Unhealthy Gym and Workout Habits That Have To Go

Working out at the gym is a great habit, for it keeps you fit and energetic. For whatever the reason though, many of us tend to form some other habits while at the gym, and these aren’t all that healthy. Let’s see what they are and why they have to go.

Heavy makeup
While we fully understand that you’d like to look the part, so to speak, as you sweat it out at the gym, but let’s be honest – your skin needs to breathe to benefit fully from your efforts. Your skin breathes via its pores and all that makeup makes it difficult to do so – and not to mention, sweat and makeup can cause a buildup that will block your pores and lead to breakouts. On the other hand, going makeup-free to the gym will allow you to show off a fully natural glow. How alluring is that?

Not cleaning your face properly
Clean skin sweats better! So, wash your face to eliminate the oils, bacteria and sweat that may have accumulated on the skin. Gently cleanse your face with a mild cleanser before and after a workout to remove any dirt and impurities. As stated earlier, it’s important to be makeup-free too, if you’re going to sweat it out at the gym.

Post-gym hot water shower
It may sound relaxing and soothing – standing under a hot shower after a good workout. The problem is, it’s really bad for your skin, for hot water tends to strip the skin of natural oils. So, stick to a refreshing cold shower instead – your skin will thank you for it!

Being dehydrated
Staying hydrated is important to have a glowing complexion! Your body loses more moisture in heated environments, so keep hydrated after, or even during your workout for your skin to recover. And yes, water is best. Carry a water bottle with you so it’ll be easy for you to stay hydrated before, during and after your workout.

Not moisturising well enough
When you sweat during a workout, your skin loses moisture, leaving it dehydrated. And dehydrated skin will result in dry skin issues as well as premature ageing. The best time to rehydrate thirsty skin is right out of the shower. So, take a few minutes to keep your skin hydrated, by applying a lightweight moisturiser and body lotion; applying while the skin is still damp is best.

Not USING sun protection while outdoors
When exercising outdoors, SPF is vital. From premature ageing to melanoma, the risks of sun damage are well-known. It’s important to choose the right sunscreen formula as oily sunscreen can cause acne by clogging pores. So keep your skin protected with a lightweight or oil-free moisturiser with adequate broad spectrum protection.

Letting your hair touch your face
Wear a headband to keep your hair up! Hair should always be pulled back away from the face to keep oils from your head (from haircare products) away from your face. Hair products such as conditioners, sprays and gels are unsuitable for the face and can alter the PH of the skin and clog pores leading to breakouts.

Ignoring cross-contamination
Avoid touching your face and skin after using un-sanitised machines and yoga mats. These things are used by many, many people throughout the day and you can bet that bacteria and germs are thriving it these spots. Avoid transferring these nasties to your face and if possible, wipe down the machine or mat before you use it.

Staying in your active wear long after exercising
Keeping your workout clothes on after you exercise can be bad for your health in numerous ways. Your damp clothing is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. This can cause:

  • body acne
  • weakened immune system
  • vaginal infection
  • skin yeast infection
  • body odour

Change out of your gym clothes as soon as you can, even if you aren’t able to take a shower yet.

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