Q & A with Salbiah, Co-Founder of Woodrose Senior Residence
Senior homes – a taboo subject that most of us would rather not chat about. But for the thousands whose lives have changed for the better because of these establishments, senior homes, or also known as ‘Old Folks’ Home’, or even ‘Retirement Home’ are seen as a necessity in our society. We don’t have to shy away from talking about it. In fact, this month, we thought we’d have a chat with the founder of such a home. So, meet Salbiah, the Founder of Woodrose Senior Residence.
NH: What makes your establishment different from the rest of the senior homes in Malaysia?
Salbiah: We are passionate and dedicated to taking care of the elders, and we want to make a significant change in the way elders are treated, so everyone will emulate the good values. Having had difficulty in finding a caregiver home that meets our expectations in terms of high standards drove us to provide such quality in our services. There was also a need to provide for the underserved Muslim markets, for senior homes are mainly targeted to non-Muslims. Furthermore, our support staff at Woodrose consist of all local carers, and, we also offer hydrotherapy – it’s one of our USPs, and it’s also not offered at most other senior homes.
NH: How does Woodrose, through its policies and the practices of individual staff members demonstrate your principles and philosophies?
Salbiah: We encourage families to take ownership; if you want your parents or yourself to be cared for in the most conducive atmosphere, you must invest the deed now through your daily practices. It is, of course, important for everyone at Woodrose to understand the mission and vision hence, each one of our Medical Staff and Carer will undergo an intensive training as well as coaching until they know what it takes to be a good carer to elders. We are also aiming to educate and change the thinking and stigma on issues related to sending elders to a home.
As Woodrose is guided by Shariah Principles, we ensure that our homes are compliant by being suitably equipped and maintained, with our residents’ health and safety in mind. Managed by like-minded and experienced people, our dedicated team of medical practitioners, dieticians and caregivers work together to ensure that our elder residents’ physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing are always met. To do this, we are guided by the following principles according to Statutory and Shariah Requirements:
- Strict adherence to high medical and dispensary practices, as well as in serving nutritious and Halal meals.
- Keeping a positive and healthy outlook in our approach to carry out daily duties in a culture of excellence.
- Maintaining physical cleanliness and purity, while encouraging positive characters within our elders such as being spiritually steadfast, sincere and genuine in their actions as well as their intentions so as to avoid distasteful incidents.
- A continuous display of excellence in whatever we do through our work ethics and professional conduct of service, which includes for those seeking religious comfort.
- These principles also benefit all and as a result, everyone(each race and belief) can appreciate and experience the outcome of these practices as this affects overall cleanliness, preparation of food and handling of elders.
NH: How does Woodrose ensure quality of service for their residents?
Salbiah: There are continuous efforts, initiatives and improvement being practised at Woodrose. In order to get consistency in whatever we do, a quality check by all Head of Departments right up to the upper management will be held on a weekly basis. An improvement plan or adjustment is important to be made immediately rather than later.
NH: Does Woodrose specialize in or have experience dealing with certain conditions that one would have? (dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease)
Salbiah: Other than patients with aggressive behaviour and suffering from contagious diseases, we accept any type of patient care. For the past five years, Dementia and Memory Care, and Rehabilitation are the most sought after packages. We have been receiving more than 300 elders with the majority suffering from memory health conditions i.e. dementia or Alzheimers.
NH: How are new residents welcomed and assisted to settle in, especially for those who have dementia / Alzheimer?
Salbiah: Prior to or upon admission, it is very important for the Elder’s next of kin/family members to explain and share health history, family background, social history and behaviour of the Elder. This is to assist us in preparing the suitable Care Plan for the Elder. This Care Plan includes monitoring of the Elder on a daily basis, meal preparation and activities.
On admission day, our Medical Team will observe the Elder for 18hrs to learn and understand how he/she adapts at the new place. This observation includes studying the likes and dislikes, compatibility with roommate, food, ambience and activities. It looks simple, but this process is very important especially to Elders who suffer from Dementia / Alzheimer as they usually have mood swings.
NH: What are the protocols for staff entering and exiting a resident’s room?
Salbiah: We have many types of rooms at Woodrose. There’s Nursing Hall, Room With Window and also the normal room; and each room has a specific type of elder/patient in it, depending on elder’s behaviour, needs and care category. Our usual practice of knocking the door when entering, and saying ‘Bye’when leaving, have been proven to be the best manner. Only leave the room when everything is safe including elder/patient occupying the room.
As for the SOPs during this current Covid-19 pandemic, we follow them strictly, and there are no visitations for family members at the moment.

NH: How is caring for people with dementia / Alzheimer different to caring for other people?
Salbiah: Elder/patient who is suffering from Memory issue (dementia/Alzheimer’s) are no longer able to receive the new input and remember them. Hence taking care of them would be different from taking care of patients without Dementia /Alzheimer. Dementia patients usually have issues in managing their routine, very forgetful, to the extent they will need reminders about certain things that are important to them. They may not even remember days or years, for that matter. Changing house/room probably may result in failure to recognise their new room. It may take weeks/months or even years for them to recognise the look of their new environment.
NH: What level of complex medical care are staff to provide? (eg stomach care, catheters, enteral feeding, wound management, etc)
Salbiah: Our qualified medical team would be able to perform all the bedside procedures as mentioned above.
NH: Does each resident have their own care plan? And if so, who prepares them?
Salbiah: YES, they do. On the admission day, our Medical Team/Head of Care will get as much information as possible about each patient/elder before planning the care plan on each of them.
NH: Can Woodrose provide other health services such as physiotherapy, podiatry, optometry, occupational therapy and dentistry? How do these work?
Salbiah: We have our own Rehabilitation Department to prepare most of the rehab activities (ie Physio, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy) carried out at Woodrose itself. Any other treatment/procedures can be arranged should our elder/patient require any.